(323) 371-6633 ■ ■
Everything I see is art.
Whether I find it in the existing abstraction in every day
objects, as part of my ongoing, monochromatic project, Everything…
… or fantastical creations conjured from my childhood fears of our
world falling into an unlivable, self-created hellscape
that only the richest and most powerful
can survive in Extinction…

… my photography is the reflection of what I see, feel,
and imagine. When I discovered NYC Reflections while
exploring the city, it became my next black and white series.

But not everything is serious and dark.
In Underground Living, I present my thoughts about
New Yorkers seemingly spending their entire lives in the subway.

In Great America, I mix my love of color,
story, and drama with my passion for our country
and the issues at hand, as well as experiment with long exposures.

I thrive on community, collaboration, and creativity, and most
of my projects have been enriched in partnership
with other artists.
In addition to being a photographer and artist,
I am a dad, husband, animal and nature lover, outdoor
adventurer, and volunteer firefighter. My family and I live
alongside the Hudson River, north of New York City.
(323) 371-6633